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Work of Teachers Assigned for the April 9-17 period and other updates

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The following email was sent on April 14 from Teachers Assigned Chapter Leader Naomi Rodriguez.

It has been a tremendously stressful time for our students, teachers our families and us.

As teachers assigned, you provide invaluable support to classroom teachers and serve as partners with leaders via instructional coaching. This work affects teacher capacity and student achievement. We are a diverse entity that touches the lives of many, including families of students with disabilities. I know firsthand how our current situation has caused added anxiety around our work.

I hope the following guidance will answer some of your most pressing questions.

Guidance on your work during April 9-17 period

The Department of Education agreed with the UFT that a change of pace and focus was in order during the seven days that would have been the spring break in a normal year.

During these unprecedented times, the expectation is that we continue to support the teachers, programs, leaders and students and their families with responsiveness and care. It is equally important that you approach this week with your own self-care in mind.

Based on your assessment of program needs, you may decide to adapt your approach to coaching to be more relaxed. Teachers will be engaging their students and families in activities related to the special themes for these seven days; continue to be there for them. Everyone needs a cheerleader! You may also use this time to do more research, engage in self-directed professional learning, catch up on SESIS work and other necessary paperwork, and review training materials.

Here is the list of appropriate activities that the DOE and the UFT are suggesting.

  • Support programs with preparation and delivery of spring break instructional themes.
  • Continue to hold weekly check-ins with teachers and leaders to maintain continuity of support.
  • Review training materials, including on Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and instructional webinars.
  • Participate in IEP meetings as necessary, if that is a part of your job.
  • Catch up on necessary paperwork.
  • Continue outreach to parents (if this applies).

Guidance on our five extra days

I know that some teachers assigned were scheduled to work some or all of the five extra days that we're contractually obligated to work each school year during what would have been the spring recess. I'm working with the DOE to establish guidance on that for you, and I'll be in touch as soon as we have clarity.

Guidance for teachers assigned who volunteered at regional enrichment centers

If I volunteer at a regional enrichment center, how will it affect my preexisting caseload and remote teaching responsibilities?

Staff who take on this responsibility should be prepared to complete duties associated with their regular assignments in addition to any responsibilities required as a regional enrichment center volunteer. Please reach out to your direct supervisor with specific questions about remote learning responsibilities and scheduling.

Will I receive additional compensation for volunteering at a regional enrichment center?

Employees reporting to regional enrichment center sites as their regular work time will not receive additional compensation. Employees who work at the regional enrichment center beyond their regular work time will be compensated in a manner consistent with their title, if applicable (e.g. per session or overtime rates).
For more information about regional enrichment centers, visit the DOE website.

Guidance on recording meetings and teaching sessions

School leaders and teachers should not record live meetings or teaching sessions without the consent of every party.

Stay healthy and safe.


Naomi Rodriguez
Teachers Assigned Chapter Leader

Related Topics: Chapter News, Coronavirus