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UFT Resolutions

Supporting newly arrived educators exploited by DOE administrators

UFT Resolutions

WHEREAS, the New York City Department of Education (DOE) in partnership with other organizations to recruited twenty-five teachers from the Dominican Republic to come teach in New York City, and;

WHEREAS, the DOE has recruited international teachers before, and has included the United Federation of Teachers in the induction process, but this time excluded the UFT from the induction process, and;

WHEREAS, multiple agencies are investigating whether these teachers were coerced to pay exorbitant rents to live in substandard housing, allegedly under threat of deportation from the very administrators who recruited them, and;

WHEREAS, at least one of these administrators was also the principal who many of these teachers reported to, giving him abusive power over every aspect of their employment and shelter in New York City, and;

WHEREAS, these teachers uprooted their lives to provide our students with bilingual instruction, and

WHEREAS, the DOE did not assign the twenty-five teachers from the Dominican Republic in an equitable way, where they were most needed, and;

WHEREAS, the United Federation of Teachers represents all teachers working for the DOE, and is appalled by the way these 25 teachers have been treated, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the UFT will work with the AFT to support these members regarding their employment visas and other areas of support, and be it further

RESOLVED, that UFT will monitor this initiative and any future program developed to recruit international teachers will do so in a way that ensures full pay and benefits, and services including but not limited to: immigration assistance, support in securing affordable housing, as well as mental and emotional health supports, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the UFT will fight to ensure the DOE understands that these 25 teachers are entitled to and covered by the same rights and protections of all current UFT members.