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Proceed with caution on phonics-based instruction

New York Teacher

When New York Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed revising the state’s reading curriculum toward phonics-based literacy instruction, I immediately assumed it to be the result of test scores. Although phonics plays a crucial role in developing reading skills by illustrating the correspondence between letters and sounds, I suggest caution as we might produce competent readers who do not read!

Reading for information or insight must coincide with phonics instruction. Teaching students how to read without teaching them the importance and value of reading is misguided and is a path fraught with danger.

Phonics-based reading instruction should be done with educators selecting material that would be meaningful and purposeful to their students. The quality of the reading material must coincide with the interests and needs of the readers. We want students to read for interest, knowledge, pleasure and personal growth.

Larry Hoffner, retired