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Finding joy

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Children have an innate ability to find joy in activities as simple as playing in boxes, stamping in rain puddles and running in circles. 

As we get older, we can get so caught up with work and responsibilities that we lose touch with simple sources of pleasure. But there’s no reason for kids to have all the fun — adults can also tap into daily moments of joy that can have a profound impact on our mood and happiness. 

Search for glimmers 

Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in complex trauma and the nervous system, has coined the term “glimmers” for the tiny moments of happiness that are around us every day. 

Micro-moments like running into a neighbor and their new baby, playing with a friend’s kitten, hearing music that you love or savoring your morning cup of coffee add up. And because of the way our nervous systems are built, the more you notice these moments, the safer and happier you will feel. 

Be here now 

Focus on being in the moment. Humans are hardwired for survival, which means we worry about the past or the present and tend to focus on what can go wrong. Instead, train your brain to see and focus on the positives that are around you every day. Be present to enjoy the glimmers you find. 

Be aware that transitions in life, even when desired, can bring a range of emotions that include feelings of ambivalence and anxiety. Whether it’s moving, accepting a new job, welcoming a new baby, becoming an empty nester or retiring, transitions come with an adjustment period. 

To counteract the negatives, take the time to think about what you’re thankful for and appreciate not just your own happiness but that of your loved ones as well. Try cultivating gratitude each day and appreciating small things like random conversations with acquaintances and the beauty of spring. 

Bring back the joy 

If you feel like you’re struggling to find happiness, try the following: 

  • Pay attention to what piques your interest and seek those things out! Make a point of exploring new interests and activities. 
  • Practice self-care every day. This includes giving yourself permission to relax, even just for short bursts of time. Pay attention to all of your senses and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face, the smell of baking cookies, the sight and sound of birds flying past you or the feel of a hot bath. 
  • Embrace what brings you happiness, whether that’s reading, exercise or social activities with friends and neighbors. 
  • Build positive relationships with your friends and family. Devote time to healing misunderstandings. Relationships and social connections are deeply entwined with our happiness. 
  • Connect with nature, whether it’s at a local park or beach or at a far-away destination. 
  • Make or enjoy art and take photos of things and people you love. 
  • Don’t forget to include physical activity in every day, as movement can greatly improve your mood. 
  • Seek support, including therapy, if you still feel that joy is elusive.