DeCAP is a tax savings, payroll deduction program through which you may submit claims for reimbursement for child care services such as babysitting and summer day camp, or for the cost of caring for an elderly parent who spends at least half of the year living in your home. You may elect a goal amount between $500 and $5,000 per year to be taken from your paycheck free of federal and Social Security taxes for dependent care.
As mandated by the Internal Revenue Service, money that is not used for reimbursement by the end of the Plan Year or Run-Out Period is forfeited and cannot be carried forward to the following Plan Year. This is known as the "Use It or Lose It" rule. Please note that DeCAP does not have a Grace Period.
Detailed information and enrollment or claim forms may be accessed at the FSA Program website, or you may contact the FSA program at 212-306-7760.