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Group size, composition and caseload

Group size for SETSS services may not exceed eight students.

SETSS may be provided to individual students or to a group of students. Group size for SETSS services may not exceed eight students. Prior to March 2022, SESIS only allowed a choice of individual or group service, with a group size of 8 being the default. SESIS was recently updated to allow IEP teams to recommend a group size other than eight students for Direct Service Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) recommendations on students’ Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Comparable Service Plans (CSPs). Now IEP teams may select “other” group sizes between two and seven students. See DOE guidance on this new option

SETSS groups can include students without IEPs, as long as they also include students with disabilities and are not larger than the group size specified on any individual student’s IEP.

The total number of students with a disability assigned to a resource room (SETSS) teacher in New York City may not exceed 30 students at the elementary level or 38 students with disabilities in grades 7 through 12 or a in multi-level middle school program operating on a period (departmentalized) basis. .