Why Unionize?

As child care providers, we provide a crucial service to New York City's low-income and working families. Without us, many working parents couldn't hold a job! Despite our important role in the city's economy, the way we are paid and treated is unfair and unjust. Despite our long days, thousands of us hover near poverty; we often don't even make minimum wage. We don't have paid vacation, sick time and we're often treated poorly by inspectors. That is why we joined the UFT.
On our own, working in isolation with little support, we have little power to change our working conditions. But, united, we have begun to move mountains. We have negotiated with the state for increased access to health care, quality professional development opportunities and grants to buy supplies for our programs; we have also won millions of dollars in unpaid wages for thousands of providers.
But we’re still fighting. We want higher wages, paid vacation and sick time, better treatment from inspectors, fairer rules and regulations and the dignity and respect that all working people deserve. Change won’t come over night, but if we stick together in our union, it will come. That’s why we need you to join the union today!
To find out more out membership in the UFT, call 212-598-9288.