Chapter News
Don’t ‘short’ patients
In 2021, nurses and patients secured a hard-won victory with the passage of the state Safe Staffing for Quality Care Act. The law, among other provisions, set up safe and reasonable staffing ratios. But New York City hospitals routinely flout the law, and the state Department of Health has failed to enforce it.
Nurse Recognition Day
The Federation of Nurses/UFT honored 21 nurses for their patient advocacy and activism in the face of a health care landscape that puts profits before patients during its annual Nurse Recognition Day awards dinner.
UFT launches ad calling on Gov. Hochul and the state health department to enforce NYS' safe staffing law in hospitals
The UFT launched a television ad calling on Gov. Hochul and the state health department to enforce the state's landmark safe staffing law.
The UFT and Federation of Nurses/UFT highlight state health department's failure to enforce state safe-staffing law
The UFT and the Federation of Nurses/UFT accused the state health department of failing to enforce the safe staffing law passed by the legislature nearly three years ago.
Fighting to put patients before profits
UFT Vice President Anne Goldman writes that hospital administrators driven by profit over patient care too often do not follow the nurse-to-patient ratios needed to safely care for patients. The Federation of Nurses/UFT is committed to continuing to expose such deficiencies and advocate for patients and the nursing profession.
New agreement for VNS Health nurses
Federation of Nurses/UFT members who are Licensed Nurses employed by VNS Health overwhelmingly ratified a contract on Jan. 29 that provides a 15% pay increase over two years, additional money for experience differentials and improvements in scheduling.