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UFT Legal Services Plan

Get free legal expertise whenever you need it

The UFT knows that dealing with even routine legal matters can be an expensive hassle. That's why the union negotiated a legal services plan to assist members with everyday issues like reviewing a lease or contract, dealing with a warranty, or help writing an important letter. 

As a UFT member, you have access to these services for free. Under the plan, an attorney will also prepare a will, a health care proxy and power of attorney for you at no cost.

The UFT Legal Services Plan provides union members with free and discounted legal services from the national legal office of Feldman, Kramer & Monaco, P.C. These benefits extend to spouses, domestic partners and children under age 19 (or under age 25 if the child is a full-time student).

Retired UFT members have access to our Retiree Legal Plan with an elder law supplement. Read more about the UFT's legal services for retirees

To access the UFT Legal Services Plan, UFT members can call 212-331-6325.

Download the brochure

Available services

  • Free telephone advice and consultation 
    Participants have access to unlimited telephone consultations and advice.
  • Free office consultations
    Participants are entitled to two sessions each calendar year concerning any new legal matter with a plan attorney or a local referral attorney.
  • Free letter writing
    Plan attorneys will write as many legal letters as needed. In matters such as consumer protection and credit resolution, a telephone call from a plan attorney is often the ideal solution.*
  • Free document review
    Plan attorneys will review documents such as automobile leases, promissory notes, retail sales agreements and other contracts of up to 10 pages per document.*
  • Free wills, power of attorney, health care proxy 
    Participants are entitled to the preparation of a will, living will, health care proxy and power of attorney annually without any additional charge. Reciprocal wills are also prepared at no charge for spouses/domestic partners. 
  • Free special-needs trust
    If you have a dependent with special needs, the National Legal Office will prepare a special needs trust or supplemental needs trust to be incorporated into your last will and testament.
  • Free residential-lease review 
    The firm will review a covered individual’s lease or proposed lease for their primary residence. It will offer advice about changes to the lease and answer questions about the lease.**
  • Personal injury fee reduction
    If you or an immediate family member is injured in any type of accident, call the legal plan immediately. The firm will determine the viability of a personal injury lawsuit. It’s important to call the plan as soon as possible to preserve evidence. The plan can save participants thousands of dollars due to a reduced contingency fee. If there is no recovery, there is no fee.
  • Identity theft
    Plan attorneys can help you avoid becoming an identity theft victim and reclaim your identity if you are a victim. This help may include legal advice on the laws governing this crime, the appropriate course of action, the proper entities to contact to place a fraud alert and assistance with formulation of the appropriate dispute letters to the agencies and creditors involved.
  • Bankruptcy
    Plan attorneys can offer advice on alternatives to bankruptcy such as creditor workout, including suspension of interest, budget review and, in extreme circumstances, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy alternatives. Where appropriate, the plan attorney may contact the creditor involved to discuss favorable alternatives to ever-mounting debt or collection litigation.
  • Veterans benefit
    Participants will get help in obtaining the Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance benefit.
  • Real estate 
    Plan participants will receive advice on the purchase or sale of a primary residence.
  • Stockbroker fraud or abuse
    Financial abuse cases arising from investment fraud, investment loss, financial-adviser misconduct and account churning may be accepted on a contingent-fee basis by a participating referral attorney with a 10% reduction from the standard contingency fee approved by the court of the applicable state.
  • Elder law
    Plan attorneys or a referral attorney can provide representation and advice regarding Elder Law matters at a reduced fee.
  • Senior citizen abuse
    If a UFT member, their parents or their grandparents are the victims of physical abuse, financial abuse or institutional neglect, the plan will offer advice and/or send a cease-and-desist letter to the offending party and provide strategies, including referrals to the appropriate regulatory agencies, when advisable.

    * Document reviews are limited to a certain number of pages. 
    ** Residential lease reviews are limited to a certain number of pages.