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Direct and indirect services

Special Education Teacher Support Services may be all direct, or a combination of direct and indirect. The student's IEP must indicate the amount of time that the student will receive Special Education Teacher Support Services, the distribution of the time between direct and indirect services, and the location of services (i.e. the general education classroom or a separate location). When recommending services in the general education classroom, the IEP must indicate the general education classes or subject areas in which the student will receive services.

Direct Services provide specially designed instruction and/or supplementary instruction delivered by a special education teacher through individual and/or small group instruction to provide the student with compensatory skill development and remediation activities. They address the areas of deficit that have been identified for that student and strengthen the student's cognitive skills. Direct Services are provided to address educational needs directly related to the student's disability and not to provide additional academic instruction.

Indirect Services provide collaborative consultation between the special education teacher and the general education teacher which focuses on adjusting the learning environment and/or modifying and adapting instructional techniques and methods to meet the individual needs of the student in the general education classroom. Agreed-upon strategies are delivered by the special education teacher and/or the general education teacher.

Source: Special Education Operating Procedures Manual, Topic: Recommended Special Education Programs and Services; DOE Continuum of Special Education services(Also can be found on DOE Info Hub - login required for access