All recommendations on an IEP, including the subjects and number of periods for ICT, must be determined by, and designed to address, the student’s needs, NOT the school’s needs. IEP recommendations must not be based on the services currently offered in a school, budget, availability of staff or space limitations.
There are legal guidelines regarding who writes the IEP and how it should be written as well as who can change an IEP and the process for making changes. All decisions regarding special education services are made at an IEP meeting with the participation of the parent, mandated IEP team members, and other participants which may include related service providers, other school personnel, and persons invited by the parent. After an annual review, changes that do not require the participation of the school psychologist or alter the student’s program recommendation can be made by amendment. In general, only minor changes should be made without an IEP meeting. When amending an IEP without a meeting, the IEP team must clearly notify the parents of all proposed changes using the Waiver of IEP Meeting to Amend IEP form found in SESIS. The proposed changes cannot be implemented until the school receives the parent’s written agreement If the parent does not agree or does not respond, an IEP meeting must be held.
Talk to your chapter leader or special education committee members if IEP decisions are being made in a manner not consistent with the information provided above. Ask your chapter leader to raise the issue at consultation. If the issue is not resolved, and you are the student’s teacher or service provider or an assessment professional with responsibility for the student, please file a special education complaint.