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Your Well-being

Becoming a better version of yourself

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Whatever your age, whatever your life stage, it’s never too late to take stock of your life, identify what you would like to be different and work toward making those changes, one day at a time.

Have you settled into a rut and want to be more adventurous? Or, conversely, have you prioritized new experiences and fun at the expense of feeling more grounded and secure?

Getting started

As we enter the Halloween season, think about how you might metaphorically “try on costumes” to imagine a different life for yourself.

New ways of being take time — and can be scary! — but lofty goals can be broken down into small steps.

We all get in our own way at times. Are you letting anxiety hold you back from exploring new experiences, or are you ignoring some of the fundamentals of good health — a clean home, a balanced diet, enough sleep — in favor of impulsive, more fun activities? The first step is awareness and making a conscious decision to move in a new direction.

Taking the plunge

Meditation, reading about the new changes you’d like to incorporate, journaling and talking to people about your new goals all can help. But at a certain point, it’s time to jump in and get started!

Going from thinking to doing is a big step. So, for example, if you want to become a runner, start small, with a short, daily walk-run in your neighborhood. Being part of a community can also help. Look for a runners’ group to join, or any group that is already on the journey you’d like to take. Finding an affinity group of those with a shared interest can help you get actively involved and consider new possibilities you may not have even known exist.

The next step

It’s your path, your direction, your choices. Ultimately, it’s about finding the direction your heart wants to travel. You may know what that direction is but have been pushing it away — or it may require some archaeology of the soul to discover.

Remember, we are all learning and growing, and we are all a work in progress. That’s a good thing; there is, after all, no “perfect” to attain. Go at your own pace, but hold fast to the idea that every new day is an opportunity to try something new.

Moving out of your comfort zone will be challenging. Remind yourself of the reward on the other side: feeling more self-defined and actualized as a person, whether that means enjoying new fields of study or activities or feeling more organized in your life.