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Optional rider reimbursement

New York Teacher

This year’s reimbursement will increase to $840 for retirees whose optional rider or health plan deduction was in effect for all of 2023. Retirees whose rider or health plan was in effect for fewer than 12 months will receive reimbursement at the rate of $70 per month. If the monthly deduction was not greater than $70, the Welfare Fund will cover the full monthly amount.

Checks are mailed to most retirees automatically. An eligible member who retired in 2023 and has not received a reimbursement check by April 1 should download a rider claim form. Retirees should submit this form and allow at least four weeks for their benefit check to be processed.

Retirees may be eligible for the optional rider benefit even if their health coverage is not from a New York City health plan. This benefit is available whether the retiree maintains the health plan or is covered under their spouse or domestic partner, as long as the plan includes prescription drug coverage. The retiree must submit a completed non-NYC rider claim form each year along with documentation showing direct payments or deductions for the health insurance plan.

Different claim forms are required depending on whether the reimbursement is for a New York City health plan or for a non-New York City health plan. 

Retirees who returned to work in Department of Education positions that provide an in-service prescription drug benefit and use this benefit will have their optional rider reimbursement reduced by the prescription drug costs paid by the UFT Welfare Fund, calculated on a month-by-month basis.

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