Educators and other professionals can benefit from taking time to reflect, release tension and recharge.
Summer is a great time to slow down and reset, but don’t wait for summer for self-care! Counter the stress at work by developing healthy routines and habits, including getting enough sleep and good nutrition. As they say during air travel, put on your mask first and then help those near you!
Reflect: Start by remembering why you became an educator in the first place. Daily reflection can help. Take just five to 10 minutes to think about the challenging and joyful moments in your day. Remind yourself of the positive ones. Did you feel appreciation from one of your students? Was a co-worker supportive during a challenge?
Then move on to the challenges. Brainstorm ways to control what you can.
Release tension: Write down feelings of tension and create a ritual for letting them go: Rip them up or focus on letting them dissolve in the air. Discussing your feelings with someone you trust can also help to process and shake off the hold the situation has over you. What’s past is behind us; all we ever have is the current moment.
Recharge: Next, increase your energy and happiness by making time for the things that bring you joy.
Here are some ideas to consider:
- Take a hike in a city park, waterside path or out-of-town wilderness. Being outdoors in nature is restorative for everyone.
- Try yoga, qi gong, tai chi and meditation and see which you like most. There are free online classes and apps for all of them. A good place to start is YouTube or Yoga Journal.
- Cultivate new hobbies. What piques your interest? Try creating art or crafts, dancing, playing or listening to music, exercising or gardening.
- Build relationships. So much of our happiness comes from our friendships and relationships with other people.
Call the UFT Member Assistance Program at 212-701-9620 to speak with a licensed clinician or email MAPinfo [at] uft [dot] org (MAPinfo[at]uft[dot]org).