The UFT’s Member Assistance Program was launched on Dec. 8, 2009. “This was a service we knew we needed as a union,” UFT President Michael Mulgrew said before cutting the ribbon (above) alongside Lila Ezra, MAP’s first executive director, who died in November 2019. Ezra said she wanted UFT members “who take care of people all day long to feel cared for themselves. I encourage anyone who needs help to give us a call.” MAP is a mental health program for all in-service UFT members. Individual consultations, support groups, professional development and referrals are offered in all boroughs. Networking opportunities and additional resources are available for first-year members. All services are free, confidential and professional. Contact MAP by calling 212-701-9620 or by emailing mapinfo [at] uft [dot] org (mapinfo[at]uft[dot]org).

UFT President Michael Mulgrew cutting the ribbon alongside Lila Ezra, MAP’s first executive director.
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Member Assistance Program,
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