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UFT fights unnecessary school budget cuts

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Falsely pleading poverty, the city Department of Education released school budgets that needlessly cut school funding and rolled back the progress made in creating small class sizes this school year as funding increased and enrollment dipped.

  1. Use the table below to find out how much money the mayor is threatening to cut from your school’s budget.
  2. Then tweet at the mayor to tell him why our schools need more funding to recover from the pandemic, not less.
Spread the word on Twitter

After you find your school's possible budget cut, click to send one of these tweets. (You can edit the tweet to replace $$$ with your school's amount or in any other way you'd like.)

See how much money your school could lose if we don't fight these political cuts

You can use the Ctrl+F or Command+F to search for your school by its four-digit code (i.e., X111). The figures in this table come from the DOE's Fair Student Funding allocation database