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A pink tide

A pink wave crested over New York City school buildings on Oct. 16 as UFT members wore pink to work to raise awareness about breast cancer. The annual tradition is a way to celebrate survivors, pay tribute to lost loved ones and colleagues, and...

Pink Day 2024

UFT members from all five boroughs of New York City wore pink on Oct. 16, 2024, to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Cancer care and prevention

The UFT offers programs with compassionate support and excellent clinical care for members facing a cancer diagnosis: 3D mammograms, MSK Direct and the Health and Cancer Helpline

A celebration of determination

On Oct. 11 — the second Wednesday in October — UFT members across the city wore pink to work to celebrate survivors, pay tribute to loved ones and colleagues they have lost, and emphasize the importance of early detection and treatment.

Finding ‘inspiration to fight on’

UFT members in all five boroughs and on Long Island participated in this year’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks on two separate Sundays in October. “We’re here to honor the survivors in our building and to call attention to this disease...

Pink Day 2023

UFT members across the city wore pink on Oct. 11, 2023, to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Pink is for support and remembrance

UFT members across the city were proud to wear pink on “Pink Day,” Oct. 12, the second Wednesday in October, to raise awareness about breast cancer, celebrate survivors and remember colleagues lost to the disease.

One stride at a time

UFT members in all five boroughs and on Long Island participated in this year’s American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks on three separate weekends in October, raising thousands of dollars for breast cancer research...

Making Strides 2022

UFT members in all five boroughs and on Long Island raised thousands of dollars by participating in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in October.

Go Pink Day

Because of the disruptions caused by the pandemic in the 2020-21 school year, participating in “Go Pink Day” this year was a hopeful return to a cherished tradition for many UFT members across the city.