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Mulgrew urges reps to use power in new contract

Although the new UFT contract doesn’t officially take effect until Feb. 14, UFT President Michael Mulgrew urged those attending the Delegate Assembly on Dec. 12 to start the utilizing the part of the agreement that gives new authority to chapter...

Contract 2023: Student pathways initiative

The DOE’s Student Pathways Initiative will create career-connected learning and pathways for all high students, including financial literacy and civics skill

Can paraprofessionals join the retirement system?

Yes. The Paraprofessional Bill was signed by the Governor on Oct. 29, 2021, and paraprofessionals in the following titles are now automatically members of TRS: Auxiliary Trainer; Bilingual Professional Assistant; Educational Assistant; Educational...

Do Paraprofessionals do Lunch Duty?

In accordance with recent amendments to NYSED regulations, IEP teams must make certain considerations before determining that a student requires an IEP-assigned paraprofessional, and the student’s IEP must reflect those considerations in the relevant...

Am I entitled to Release Time as a paraprofessional?

Paraprofessionals who meet the requirements indicated below are eligible for release time for non-classroom study or travel from work to their college/university. The NYCDOE will grant release time each college semester (fall, spring and the 1st...

Lead Teacher Assistant Q&A for Paraprofessionals

Find out more about the lead teacher assistant (lead educational associate) position for paraprofessionals.

What is the LEAP to teacher program for paraprofessionals?

The LEAP to Teacher Program is offered by the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies in collaboration with the UFT and participating colleges in all five boroughs. The LEAP to Teacher program helps place UFT paraprofessionals at participating...

Staten Island nurses approve contract

Members of the Federation of Nurses/UFT at Staten Island University Hospital South on March 29 overwhelmingly ratified a contract that includes their top priorities: an increased nurse-to-patient ratio and preservation of their UFT Healthcare Chapter...