Contract 2023: Health & safety
In recognition of the importance of employee health and safety, the DOE agrees to provide the appropriate recognized standards of workplace sanitation, cleanliness, light and noise control.
Ventilation and PPE
The pandemic taught us the importance of ventilation. Accordingly, the contract has been updated to state that the DOE must comply with applicable codes for building ventilation. The DOE is now also obligated to have sufficient masks, gloves and hand sanitizer available for all staff. It must review this personal protective equipment periodically to identify any expired items.
Drinking Water
The contract now codifies another basic right: The DOE must supply clean drinking water that meets state water standards.
Ill Students
Another lesson learned from the pandemic: The DOE will provide annual guidance to principals about the need to collaborate with school nurses to ensure students who are ill are not returned to class.
Pre-K Sinks and Bathrooms
The DOE will issue annual guidance that schools are encouraged to use rooms with or near a bathroom and/or sink on the same floor for 3K and pre-K classes to the extent possible.