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Extended Time

As per the 2023 DOE-UFT contract, a new three-year pilot workday for teachers and paraprofessionals has been implemented for the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. Both the DOE and the UFT must agree to extend it each year after that or the configuration of time reverts back to 37.5 minutes after a 6 hour and 20 minute school day for small-group instruction and tutoring Monday through Thursday.

For single-session schools:

The 155 minutes of extended time will be allocated this way in the default pilot workday:

  1. 60 minutes of professional development on Mondays for teachers and paraprofessionals
  2. 40 minutes of Other Professional Work (OPW) for teachers and 35 minutes for paraprofessionals
  3. 55 minutes of self-directed parent engagement for teachers and paraprofessionals that can be done remotely
For multi-session high schools and other schools with a 6 hour, 50 minute workday:

The school day for teachers, paraprofessionals and students is 6 hours and 50 minutes, Monday-Friday. Professional activity periods have been reduced to four periods a week. Teachers will also now be programmed for one self-directed Other Professional Work period per week.

The 40-minute faculty and grade conferences in November, December, March and May remain the same. These conferences take place on a Monday before or after the school day unless modified through the SBO process. 

In October, January, February and April, teachers will have 40 minutes for parent engagement which may be conducted remotely. There is only one 40-minute conference (faculty OR grade) scheduled on a Monday before or after the school day in these months. 

Pre-approved SBO options

The UFT and DOE have agreed to 14 pre-approved school-based options. See the pre-approved SBO options »  

New guidance on parent engagement time
  1. The 55 minutes of self-directed parent engagement time for teachers and paraprofessionals can be performed remotely at a time outside of the school day at the educator's discretion. This time does not need to be completed consecutively. 
  2. Teachers and paraprofessionals need to briefly record the parent engagement and time completed on a paper or digital form unless the activity is already recorded using a school-approved platform.
  3. Parent engagement logs may be collected by administration.
New guidance on Other Professional Work

IEP conferences have been added to the list of activities that teachers and paraprofessionals may choose from. 

This time is self-directed and principals cannot direct teachers and paraprofessionals to an activity on a regular basis . If directed, it should be the exception not the rule, for example, no more than 6-8 times a year.