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UFT Resolutions

Resolution to raise awareness about the 2020 federal census

UFT Resolutions

WHEREAS, a lack of participation among New Yorkers in the 2020 census would leave New Yorkers undercounted for federal disbursement of funds, putting at risk $53 billion per year for federally funded programs affecting public schools, public housing, senior centers, Medicaid, SNAP, roads and bridges, and emergency preparedness, and New York City receives the lion’s share of that funding; and

WHEREAS, the population statistics derived from the census determine representation in the House of Representatives, putting up to two Congressional seats at stake for New York and affecting the balance of the Electoral College; and

WHEREAS, New Yorkers are usually undercounted — typically New York City has a 61 percent response rate for the census, below the national average; and

WHEREAS, improving the census count will provide more accurate numbers, broadening the tax base to fund public services; and

WHEREAS, the United Federation of Teachers has pledged to educate its members and school communities about the importance of the census; therefore be it

RESOLVED, the UFT will bring speakers into classrooms and worksites where our UFT members are employed, and develop lesson plans to raise awareness about the census and encourage participation; and be it further

RESOLVED, the UFT will partner with outside organizations to work toward an accurate count for New York in the 2020 census and with a citywide coalition to accomplish this task.